Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Stuff from this quarter at SCAD

Heya everyone!  I've just finished my finals so I'm taking a little time to post some work you haven't already seen from this quarter at SCAD.

NOTE:  you may need to play the videos twice to see the beginning of them, sometimes the first half-second or so gets cut off.

Here's a few of the animations I did in my 2D Effects Animation Class with professor Gustafson:

And here's the other half of my final for my Caricature class (the previous post was the first half of the final):

My new website design at http://nathanhtaylor.com was created for Animation Professional Development class.  Be sure to check it out, I have some new 2D work and a completely new demo reel up there with some of my work from Project London!

Enjoy :)

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