Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So I was in Michigan for the past week (May 10-17) at the Kalamazoo Animation Fesitval, which was great fun. Our team made a 30-second PSA on the theme "Innovative Approaches to 21st-Century Teaching" in 4 days, and it turned out quite well! We took second place overall (which is cool because the judges actually had to make a second place for us, as it had never been announced in the past). I was the team tech guy; I did the rigging, psot effects (including particle work), most of the compositing and some editing, and pretty much had to troubleshoot all of the problems my other team members had. All in all, it was a great experience.

AAAaaaannnddd Here's the film:

Kafi 2009 Film: Connect from Alexander Snow on Vimeo.